Dining & Nightlife
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TERMS & CONDITIONS Terms and Conditions

In order to assure you and all of our Guests of a secure and pleasant stay with us, we have established the following regulations governing the usage of our facilities. When these regulations and policies are not observed, we may be obliged to refuse permission for continued occupancy of guest rooms or usage of other facilities, in accordance to Article 7 of the Accommodation Agreement. Kindly note that Guests may also be held liable for damages caused to the Hotel by non-observance of these regulations.

Usage of Guest Rooms
  1. 1. Please be sure to review the emergency exit instructions posted inside the guest room door upon your arrival.
  2. 2. Please be sure that only registered Guests are allowed to stay in the rooms.
  3. 3. Please be sure that Rights for Residence shall not be assured even if Guests shall stay long time.
  4. 4. Staying of minors only without permission from their parents is not accepted. In addition, we may be obliged to refuse permission for stay of the Guest who disturbs or annoys other Guests because of depression of the mind and body, drugs or alcohol.
Guest Room Key
  1. 1. When leaving your room, please be sure to lock the door.
  2. 2. When you sign for a bill at a restaurant or a bar in the Hotel, please show your room key holder.
  3. 3. While in your room or sleeping, please lock the room door, and be sure to use the door latch.
  1. 1. Please meet your visitors from outside of the Hotel in the lobby.
  2. 2. Please be sure to identify any callers through the door's peep hole and keep the door latch on when opening the door. Please do not admit unknown visitors into your room. When in doubt please contact the front desk..
In Guest Rooms
  1. 1. Please refrain from using any fires for heating or cooking, or any candles in the room without the prior approval of the Hotel. In addition, please refrain from cooking in the room.
  2. 2. Smoking including electronic tobacco is strictly prohibited because all rooms and floors are non-smoking.
  3. 3. Please refrain from utilizing your room for any primary purpose other than residential utilization without the prior approval of the Hotel.
  4. 4. Please utilize all Hotel equipment or fixtures only at their provided spots and for the purposes designated for them. Please refrain from changing the arrangement of the room to any great extent without prior approval for the management.
  5. 5. Please refrain from carrying small items and equipments out of the rooms.
  6. 6. Please refrain from placing any articles by the window that will blemish the appearance of the Hotel.
Custody of Baggage
  1. 1. The period of keeping articles held at the Hotel baggage store room or cloak room is as follows. Articles exceeding the following periods will be regarded as which the owner will not receive, and disposed of accordingly:
    1. (1) Deposit to outpatient customers at reception: 1 month​ ​
    2. (2) Deposit at cloakroom: 1 month
Lost Articles
  1. 1. Lost or forgotten items will be held by the hotel for 30 days from the date they were found or turned in. At the conclusion of the 30 day period, all items will then be handed over to the nearest police station. Please inquire with a Front Desk member for further information.
  2. 2. All perishable items will only be held until the following day from the time they were found or turned in, then properly discarded regardless of expiration date in accordance with hotel health regulations and standards.
  1. 1. Inside the Hotel or the building including the Hotel , please follow the guide and direction of the staff.
  2. 2. Please refrain from leaving your valuables and other articles in your car on the parking space. The Hotel shall not be liable for the loss or theft of items in the parking space.
  3. 3. Use of the parking lot during your stay is 5,000 yen per night. Please bring your parking ticket to the front desk when you leave.
  4. 4. Others Please observe the hotel's parking lot management regulations (parking lot usage guide).
  1. 1. Accommodation Charges shall be paid with Japanese currency, travelar's check, accommodation tickets or credit cards recognized by the Hotel.
  2. 2. Advance deposits may be requested in certain instances upon arrival.
  3. 3. When bills are presented to you for payment during your residence, please settle at that time. In the case when you shall not settle, we may be obliged to refuse permission for continued occupancy of guest rooms or usage of other facilities.
  4. 4. In the case when the Guest who shall not stay will settle as a substitute, however he will not settle until the particular limit day, we may request the Guest who stay at the Hotel to settle.
  5. 5. The Hotel will not make payment on behalf of Guests for substantial purchases of retail merchandise.
  6. 6. An extra charge is levied for each outgoing call (includes international phone calls) and facsimile made from our guest rooms.
  7. 7. Please be sure that we may accept the 10 % of service charge in addition to legal taxes therefore no gratuity is accepted.
Please Do Not Bring into the Hotel Anything Likely to Cause Annoyance to Other Guests of the Hotel, such as These Listed Below:
  1. 1. Dogs, cats, birds and other animals or pets except seeing-eye dogs;
  2. 2. Explosives or inflammables;
  3. 3. Objects emitting a foul odor or a harmful substance;
  4. 4.Articles that the possession of which is prohibited by the laws of Japan; You are also Kindly Requested to refrain from:
  5. 5. ngaging in gambling or behaving in an indecorous manner or commiting acts likely to cause annoyance to other Guests within the Hotel;
  6. 6. Wearing outside your room the bathrobe and slippers which are provided for your use only in the guest room;
  7. 7. Moving equipments of the guest room and utilizing in inappropriate way;
  8. 8. Disturbing advertising or publicity materials or selling commodities within the Hotel.


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  2. ROOMS
  3. Terms AND Conditions